Most interesting in that today I noticed that you can easily purchase the Hasselblad XCD2 100MP camera pretty much anywhere in the United States, but try to find any of the following lenses, the 38mm, 55mm or 90mm. All of them are out of stock until around March 2024.
What type of manufacturing/supply line design is this, where you can purchase a camera body, but no lens for it. As far as I can tell, the supply for the new style XCD lenses has been tight for many months.
However checking B&H, Adorama, Capture Integration, and Camera West, all of them display the same message, “out of stock, supply expected March 2024”.
So my question?, How do you sell a new XCD 2 camera at all since none of the 3 main focal length lenses appear to be in stock

Hopefully this will improve sooner than later. However this also makes me wonder how fast you could get a replacement lens from the DJI/Hasselblad repair center? Since DJI now has full ownership of Hasselblad I have not followed closely how well they are handling repairs of the lenses. Since all XCD cameras do not have a focal plane shutter, you are 100% dependent on the leaf shutter in the lens.