In 2015, Arkansas did not present a good color display really anywhere throughout the state. Since July Arkansas has been short on rainfall and the month of September and first half of October no measurable rain fell in the state. Most of the … [Read more]
10/27/15 Fuji X-Trans Raw Conversions–Which is best Lightroom or Capture One
03/30/15 New article on Mounting Canvas to Gator board
I have just put up a new article on mounting canvas to gator board. This is a step by step write up which will take you from a printed canvas to framed print. You will learn how to cut the canvas to size, prepare the gator board, lay down the glue, … [Read more]
01/27/15 Clouds in motion–A wonderful Time Lapse series from my home
I know I need to fix that deck rail for sure. But for now my deck has been a great place to capture some great cloud motion. I am going to get out soon in to the field and start this, but I am still learning and have found out a few things about … [Read more]
01/20/15 Sunset time-lapse from my back deck
Since I went ahead and upgraded my Gopro Hero 3 black to a Hero 4, I have been having much more success with time lapse in situations where there are extreme changes in lighting, like sunsets and sunrise conditions. This is a quick video taken on … [Read more]
12/17/14 The Phase One A Series cameras–a few thoughts from a tech camera user’s persepective
With the announcement of the A250, A260 and A280, Phase One has a new line of Phase One branded cameras. The cameras consist of a Alpa TC (travel compact) mated to one of three different Phase One IQ2 backs. There are 3 different lenses that can be … [Read more]
12/14/14 A nice view taken from the Mt Magazine summit
Fall for 2014 in Arkansas was not too much to write home about. Colors were way off in most places, production mainly showing up in a dull brown color. I attribute most of this to the weather pattern we had. Warm, and then cold, and warm, then … [Read more]
09/20/14 Surface Pro 3 update (after replacement by Microsoft)
My original Surface Pro 3, was having major issues with the battery and a full charge. Several times, I would power off, (via Shut down) the Pro 3 with 35% of the battery remaining, only to power it back on the day and find it totally drained. I … [Read more]
09/18/14 Phase One Announcements from Photokina 2014
As the big show starts to wind down, I though it would be good write about what Phase One considered to be significant announcements during the Photokina Photo Expo, current being held in Germany. You can list out the major announcements … [Read more]
09/17/14 Arca FP (Modular Focal Plane Shutter) and R cameras has full wide lens support
I just heard this morning from Rod Klukas, the U.S. Arca representative, that the new Arca FP will work with the wider lenses, Rodenstock 23mm and 28mm, and possibly the 28XL Schneider. This is very good new for me as I did not want to have to … [Read more]
09/16/14 Capture One Vr 8 is announced and is now available for download
Well, one bit of good news from Photokina, Phase One has released Capture One Version 8. This is a major update to the software with some very nice enhancements. As a long time user of Capture One, I welcome this update and find it well worth the … [Read more]
09/16/14 Arca FPS (Focal Plane Shutter) lens issues clarified
Yesterday, I was very excited by Arca's announcement of the new FP (Focal Plane Shutter). I knew that this device was in the works well over 10 months but had been asked to keep all mention of it off the web. Arca is a small company based in … [Read more]
09/15/14 Big news from Arca Swiss–New FS (Focal Plane) shutter for R series cameras
##################UPDATE LATE 09/15/14####################### 09/15/14 Final details from Rod Klukas--U.S. Arca Representative I heard from Rod a while ago, he is out at Photokina. Here are the missing details. "The FPA is similar in depth … [Read more]
07/24/14 Rain and more rain brings up Arkansas’s Prime Creeks in July
This is a view of Richland Creek in late May, taken in the 2007 time frame, but I wanted to use this photograph to show just what Richland Creek should look like now, in July!!. Normally this time of year, the water levels in the Arkansas creeks is … [Read more]
07/10/14 New Surface Pro 3 Firmware–All is still not well with WiFi and battery life
As of 07/08/14, Microsoft has added yet another firmware update to the Surface Pro 3 family of Laptop/Tablets. This is the 2nd firmware released since the units were first sold. You can access this upgrade via the Surface Pro 3 update process. … [Read more]
07/02/14 New lens in the Phase One-Schneider LS lineup the 40-80 zoom
About 2 weeks ago, Phase One made a new lens announcement, the LS 40-80 F4 to F5.6 zoom. This is an all new design, not a reworked Mamiya lens as some of the other LS lenses appear to be (28mm LS, 75-150mmLS, and 80mmLS to name a few). You can … [Read more]
04/30/14 New Images added to my Arkansas Panorama Gallery
I have recently added several new panoramas taken throughout Arkansas to my Panorama Gallery. You can view the images here: Over the years, I have started to shoot more panoramas than standard format photography as I feel it gives a better view of … [Read more]
03/30/14 Mountain Lions in Arkansas–A follow up on my 1st report
Recently I was sent a copy of this video from a game camera near Fallsville Arkansas by David Smith. The series is about 11 seconds long total, but clearly shows an adult mountain lion. If one has any doubt, just take the tree in the background for … [Read more]
02/24/14 Silver Fleet purchases 60% of Phase One–what may happen
This is old news now and has been hashed back and forth in various discussion forums for the past 2 weeks. The net of the announcement is that Silver Fleet a venture capture firm purchased the controlling share of Phase One. Phase One based in … [Read more]
02/15/14 News from the CP+ Show in Japan–Pentax 645DII CMOS 50MP Camera
CP+ the Japanese eqvilent to the U.S. CES (Consumer Electronics Show) is going on through tomorrow. and one of the highlights as far as larger camera systems goes, is the information about the upcoming Pentax (now Ricoh) 645D2014. Instead of calling … [Read more]