When Sony Announced the A7r I was very impressed. In the past Sony has produced some very impressive camera solutions and I was almost moved enough by the A99 DSLR to purchase one. However my local dealer, Bedford Photo in Little Rock Arkansas, … [Read more]
02/14/14 Why I didn’t purchase a Sony A7r–Thoughts from a Nikon shooter
02/13/2014 The First Testing of the IQ250 on a tech camera–More details on my testing of Digital Transitions files
As posted on this site and many others, Phase One, about 2 weeks ago, announced the IQ250, the worlds first CMOS digital Medium format back. The announcement also stunned quite a few folks out there when it was discovered that Sony was the chip … [Read more]
02/12/14 My testing of some Phase One IQ250 raw files on a tech camera–Most impressive
Over the past week Digital Transitions , my Phase One dealer based out of New York, NY, has been doing some series comparison testing of the IQ250 and IQ260 with various tech camera lenses. The scene was the Morgan Library Room in New York City. … [Read more]
02/06/14 Low light viewing of Live View on the Phase One IQ250–most impressive
From some night photography testing that was done by Alpa, maker of fine Tech camera solutions for Medium and 35mm format, it appears that the Live View Screen of the IQ250 is going to work exceptionally well in low light. This is a huge … [Read more]
02/05/14 Capture One 7.2 is released to the field
If you are using Capture 7.x, look for the latest version of the software which is 7.2. Capture One has finally released this newest version to the general population, about 1 week after they announced their latest digital back, the IQ250. It looks … [Read more]
01/25/14 Phase One IQ250 Arrives and Changes the game in a big way
It was hard to miss that this announcement was coming sooner than later, and photo rumors tagged this correctly. On Friday the 24th of January 2014 with the IQ250, Phase One has set the wheels in motion that will change Medium Format Digital forever … [Read more]
01/22/14 Phase One to announce IQ250 with 50MP CMOS Date Uncertain
01/23/14--Just a bit more information. Phase one obviously has a camera done as briefly yesterday they has some image posted on the main Denmark website from the IQ250. So at least the name is certain. It will be interesting to see if this back is … [Read more]
01/21/14 Hassleblad shakes up/wakes up the Medium Format Digital world with new 50MP CMOS back
With this announcement on Hasselblad's main site, they have just rocked the world of Medium Format Digital. Yes, in one quick paragraph, Hasselblad has taken the possible lead and stolen the thunder from Phase One on this technology. Not much has … [Read more]
01/05/14 A bit of trouble for my IQ260–WiFi top plate loose
If you own a IQ260 or IQ280 and you purchased it early in the product life cycle, you may want to see about having the top plate (WiFi cover) replaced. There is a possibility that the plate may loosen up and start top pop up. This will create an … [Read more]
01/04/14 It’s offical Sam’s Throne is now a full featured Forest Service Campground.
This actually happened in Mid 2013, but I never got around to writing about it. They finally finished the improvements and created a formal campground status for Sam's Throne. This spot is a climbers paradise and for me a photographic wonder. I … [Read more]
11/19/13 Some more thoughts on my nighttime photography
I have a new write-up on some of my nighttime photography throughout Arkansas. I have place a small gallery inside the article and then have some descriptions about the various images. Each of the images involves a different form of photographic … [Read more]
10/13/13 Popular Photo Missed a critical couple of Cameras in the “30 most Important Digital Cameras of all time”
In the latest issue of Popular Photography, they have an featured article, "30 digital cameras that changed photography". Usually I read these type of articles and move on, but I was amazed by a couple of cameras that were totally overlooked. 1. … [Read more]
09/22/13 Drobo 5D Firmware update 3.0.8 problems with Windows 7 64 bit
Update on 10/12/13 What I thought was a fix, turned out to be a dead end as the replacement Drobo would not work correctly on my production PC. It would boot up, and briefly showed all the correct lights, but as soon as windows gave the new … [Read more]
08/28/13 Supply of Copal Shutters is drying up and no real replacement solution has been developed
A while back I wrote a entry about the fact that Copal was no longer going to make the Copal 0 shutter. For many photographers, the idea of a manual shutter is more than likely beyond comprehension as they are used to the modern electronic shutters … [Read more]
Bluehost goes down for the big one–9 hours on 08/02/13
I have used Bluehost for my webhosting for almost 2 years and during that time, I have never experienced any downtime. This ended on the 2nd of August when Bluehost took a major outage that lasted the entire day. My two main sites were … [Read more]
08/02/13 New article on strange sensor behavior with D800 and night photographic work
I have written a brief article on a problem I had with my Nikon D800e on a night shoot back in May of 2013. You can read the detailed article here: Back in May of 2013 on a night shoot, I noticed a strange problem with my D800e images. I was … [Read more]
07/17/13 IQ260 Arrives in Little Rock Arkansas–The unboxing
I can remember back when I was a fan of collecting watches, when someone purchased a new watch, they always published an "unboxing". I never did it for a watch, but did go ahead for the IQ260. I am pretty sure this is the first one in Arkansas and … [Read more]
07/10/13 An example of Breathing Color’s excellent customer service
Breathing Color, is a Canvas and Paper company based out of Austin Texas. They make a wide range of paper and canvas solutions for both solvent and inkjet printers. I have worked with Breathing Color products now for over 7 years and the results … [Read more]
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