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10/20/12 NikonUSA no longer listing D800e on main DSLR product page

After reading a few posts on various photography forums over the past few days, it seems that Nikon has taken the D800e off of the main NikonUSA product page.  I was surprised to hear this, and thought that it might just be a reader error, however … [Read more]

10/09/12 Further information on the D600 and MC-DC2 & MC-36

I have done a bit more research on the D600 and the remote timer issues.  Both the D800 and D600 come with a built in set of timers called: Time lapse photography Interval timer One of my main goals was to use the D600 in my night … [Read more]

10/07/12 Updates to my 10/02/12 Post on the D600 and bracketing issues

10/07/1230-----Thanks to some comments from readers, I have added some more comments to my 10/02/12 post. I was concerned about the remotes since I wanted to use my MC-36 on the D600.  It has the the inter-voltmeter and interval timer, both critical … [Read more]

10/02/12 Nikon creates bracketing differences between the D800 and D600

I have now taken out a D600 for a quick test spin.  I had hoped that Nikon would not disable too many of the "pro" features that they have with the D800.  Right from the start, I found that Nikon drastically changed the exposure bracketing between … [Read more]

09/25/12 Nik software has been purchased by Google…….Whats up with that?

Over the past weekend and during the big Photokina show in Cologne Germany, Nik software announced that they had been purchased by Google.  The assumption here is that Google is wanting to use the Nik control point technology in some of their apps.  … [Read more]

09/20/12 Update–10 groups/14 elements Phase One Schneider 28mm Leaf Shutter Lens–Update

Just a quick note, I have heard some new feedback on the this lens.  It seems that it has the exact same number of groups and elements as the older Mamiya 28mm F4.5 lens, 10 groups and 14 elements. Phase One/Mamiya has done this before i.e. banding … [Read more]

09/17/12 Big Phase One news announced today at Photokina–New DF+ body and Schneider Kreuznach 28mm LS f/4.5 Aspherical lens

Well it's a big day for Phase One, as they finally announced a new version of the rather long in the tooth 645DF Medium Format Body.  Based on the reactions I have read to this announcement it seems that most photographers were disappointed with this … [Read more]

Updated 08/10/12 Nikon D800 Left Focus point issues–Much ado about nothing? some more thoughts

Due to several readers comments I have added some updates to the bottom of this post.  Depending your shooting style this may be more serious than it is to me. Since the Nikon D800 and D800E have been announced, one issue that seems to come up over … [Read more]

08/29/12 What to do when your old Klipsch 4.1 system is damaged, Sybesma’s Electronics to the rescue

I don't know when I first purchased my Klipsch 4.1 speakers for my PC, but it's been over 10 years ago.  They have worked perfectly from day one.  After about 8 years I lost both of the woofers in the amp, but you can replace these with replacements … [Read more]

08/28/12 When Lightening strikes…….A few thoughts to keep your electronics up and running

Just a few words to those out there who have a photo business that is totally dependent on Mac's or PC's, in regards to the extreme damage that is possible if lightening happens to strike nearby and you are not prepared. One of the worst things that … [Read more]

08/26/12 What good friends are for……..Thanks Marshall

As many may know, about 2 weeks ago, I took about the worst lightening strike ever. The hit was about 25 yards away from my house/studio, but the damage was really amazing. In the space of a couple of seconds, I lost 2 printers, 1 PC (all of with all … [Read more]

07/28/12 Screen protection options for Phase One IQ Series Digital backs (IQ140,IQ160, & IQ180)

One of the most impressive features of the Phase One IQ Series of Digital backs, (IQ140, 160 and 180), would have to be their LCD screen.  This screen, which has been compared to the quality of the Apple retina displays, is a vast improvement over … [Read more]

07/22/12 A quick look at the Nikon MB-D12, Nikon’s vertical grip–external battery holder for the D800 Series of cameras

Click on any of the thumbnails for a larger view of the image. Since I purchased my Nikon D800, I have added the new Nikon MB-D12 battery grip.  I am planning to write a full review of the grip in use with the D800, but this is a quick view of the … [Read more]

My Contact Information

Thank you for the interest in my photography. I have been working in the photographic arts since I was 15 and have been a professional photographer for the last 10 years. All of the work on this site is available for sale in for the form of Digital … [Read more]

07/21/12 Richland Creek has Flatlined, a first in 18 years of hiking and boating the best creek in Arkansas

Arkansas has many famous spots for outdoor recreation which feature lakes, or streams.  For sure one of the best is Richland creek, in the northwest part of Arkansas.  With Richland Creek one can find a stream that is the 2nd largest tributary of the … [Read more]

07/20/12 Panther Cloth from Kinetronics is amazing–for photos, cameras, and much more!!

I have been a photographic printer now for over 30 years, the first 15 with the traditional photographic paper/chemical process and the last 15 with inkjets and photoshop. One of the biggest problems that you will run into is the handling of a fine … [Read more]

07/12/12 Rain comes to Arkansas and provides some much needed drought relief

All of the photos in this entry were taken with a Sony Nex-7, and a Sony 18-200mm E mount lens.  I used Adobe Lightroom 4.1 for all the raw conversions.  This first image was taken in color and converted to B&W by using the conversion process in … [Read more]

07/08/12 Canon 200-400 F4 coming, but at a price!

It seems from reading the posts from "people in the know" that the long talked about Canon 200-400mm F4 lens will soon be a reality. There have been many posts by the the beta testers and other privileged people who have been able to get the lens for … [Read more]

07/07/12 Relief comes to Arkansas from both heat and drought

The high temperatures in Arkansas for the 6th of July set many state records.  LIttlle Rock hit 107 degrees and Russellville was at 108.  However yesterday, during the afternoon and into the night, Arkansas received the first rain in almost 30 days. … [Read more]

07/03/12 Heat continues and burn bans abound throughout Arkansas

Yesterday, I saw the first clouds I had seen in the local sky for almost a week. In the morning, there were enough clouds to briefly darken the sky so that the local temperature was considerably cooler. The shot below was taken on a much different … [Read more]