Well as much as I would like to say "it's all OK here in the State of Arkansas", I really can't. This has to be the worst heat wave since the mid 1980's when the state went almost 60 days with no measurable rainfall. As you can see from the … [Read more]
06/29/12 Alpa finally announces their ability to tilt shift, well sort of !!
With this announcement on their newsletter, Alpa of Switzerland has announced that they will now offer a solution for photographers using various Alpa cameras that will let them have tilt/swing on lenses shorter than 70mm. Here is the link to the … [Read more]
06/27/12 Media type is very important when working with custom paper profiles and the Epson 9900
Since mid 2011, I have been working with the i1 Publish profiling solution. This included the i1 software, now at version 1.3.2 and the i1 spectrometer for scanning the printed test charts. The process is very straight forward. You pick the total … [Read more]
06/24/12 Why I won’t be purchasing a New Macbookpro 15″ with Retina Display==for a while :-)
After really looking over the new Apple macbookpro 15" laptop, with the retina display, I have decided to wait on my purchase. I have read over 12 reviews of the new machine and they are all very positive, however I am starting to see a pattern of … [Read more]
06/19/12 Mountain Lions Exist in Arkansas!!, Finally the Arkansas State Game and Fish admits that the big cats are out there
In an article titled "Cougars moving toward Midwest" in the 06/18/12 Arkansas Democrat, it was reported that at least 8 mountain lions have been reported in Arkansas. Most of these appeared in game cameras that were set out by deer hunters in … [Read more]
06/16/12 Popular Photography May have Missed the Key Point in their D800 Review
I have always enjoyed reading Popular Photography's lab reviews on new cameras. Over the years I have always found their reviews to be very accurate and straight to the point. In fact many purchasing decisions I have made have been influenced by … [Read more]
06/12/12 Apple announces new line up of Macbookpro laptops
Well of course right after I purchased a new 15" macbookpro, Apple has announced a totally new lineup in their laptop brand. Here are the main points that I can delve from the announcements. New Macbook Air models that now offer up to 8GB of … [Read more]
06/11/12 Nikon D800 creates a massive sell off of Medium Format Digital Equipment
As the Nikon D800 has started to ship in mass, I have noticed that more and more established Medium Format Digital users are selling off most of or all of their equipment and making a permanent move to the Nikon D800. Many of these users have a … [Read more]
06/02/12 Arkansas is drying up in a hurry!
After driving up to the Buffalo National River yesterday, I was made very aware of just how dry the state has become. The entire Ozark Mountain area is now a tinderbox just waiting for a lightening strike or a errant cigarette butt. My gauge for … [Read more]
05/31/12 Nikon MB-D12 to grip or not to Grip
I spent sometime today at my local dealer, and got to look/feel the Nikon MB-D12 grip. Strange design IMO coming from Canon. I just find it strange, that such a well designed grip doesn't allow the user to have (2) EL-EN15 batteries running in the … [Read more]
05/26/12 Adding a grip extension to an Arca Swss rm3di
Since I started using the Arca Swiss rm3di technical camera, one of the problems I run into was how to get a good grip on the camera There are 3 main tech camera solutions on the market, Alpa, Cambo, and Acra. I choose Arca for many … [Read more]
05/25/12 Things always seem to fall apart when you need them the most!!
Do you ever have one of those days, where you think everything is in order, but when you start the job everything seems to line up for a problem. Today I had one of those type of days. I have been working an huge printing project for a local … [Read more]
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