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Archives for February 2025

02/28/25 Tips on how to fix Errors in Helicon Focus

I have just posted a new write up on how to fix errors when you are using Helicon Focus. Most time the software works perfectly and creates an excellent blend. But there are times where it will have issues with the focus blend, depending on the blending method that is used. This article has some ideas and possible solutions to get around these type of errors.

02/16/25 New Article on Hasselblad (4) shot Multi Shot with X2D

If you are interested in what you can gain with the X2D and (4) multi shot, take a few minutes to read this article. Very detailed image comparisons. The two images were taken at ISO1600 indoors, so no there were no subject movement concerns. The results from this photographic process can be very rewarding, however the process to get from capture to final image is a bit tedious. Here is a link to the article.

Please post any comments or feedback.

Written by Paul Caldwell for Photos of Arkansas

02/10/25 New Article on Color–Hasselblad X2D Phocus vs Lightroom

I have written a new comparison article showing why photographers need to consider using Phocus instead of Lightroom for the best color output from the X2D.

Hasselblad color comparison between Lightroom and Phocus
Color comparison between Lightroom and Phocus with X2D Raw

The Phocus image is always on the left side of the comparisons. You can find the full article here:

This is a series I am working on, to show how Phocus can still provide the overall best look to all X2D images. The downside being, you have to work with Phocus, which is by far the most out of date raw conversion software on the market. Sure it’s free to download, but I would no problem paying for a version that allows the photographer to work in much more modern interface and have a program which is much more responsive.

This post was written by Paul Caldwell on 02/10/25. Please contact him if you have any questions or would like to use the information contained in the article.

02/01/25 Article on Focus Bracketing, with Hasselblad X2D and 21mm XCD lens

8 shot focus bracket with Hasselblad X2D and 21mm XCD lens

I have written about using Focus Bracketing with the X2D on my main site, You can find the article here:

This image was taken in the fall of 2024, with the Hasselblad 21mm and X2D. I ended up taking 14 exposures in two different focus brackets since I knew that the sky would be over exposed, if I only shot for the trees in the foreground. To create the brackets, I used Helican Focus which did an excellent job. In the Gallery below you can see some close up crops from the master image. Click on any image to load a Lightbox gallery which will allow a 100% view.

Written by Paul Caldwell